What Is Kanekalon?


Kanekalon - is one of the most popular synthetic materials for making wigs. Japan is most probably the motherland of kanekalon, though nowadays it is known worldwide.

Kanekalon resembles natural hair as much as possible because there are substances of an organic origin (to be more exact - seaweed) in it. Speaking about its structure - kanekalon is a very easy and durable fibre, therefore kanekalon products serve much longer and look much more natural, than wigs and chignons from other synthetic materials.


In the first decades after the invention kanekalon had only 42 natural colours in the colour scale. During its manufacturing kanekalon is exposed to serious heat treatment, thanks to it locks of kanekalon do not break at combing and can keep waves.

In a modern society kanekalon is used for creation of afrobraids. It can be classical afrobraids, or locks of kanekalon braided in curls, such hairdress is called gofre. There is also a kind of kanekalon already braided in small plaits, such kind of a material is called zizi.


At present time there are approximately 120 colours of kanekalon. 
